Pew Sheet for Sunday 10am service:
Pastoral Services and Service TimesOur 10am Sunday service is streaming on Facebook:
Sunday: 8am - Traditional said Holy Communion (BCP on 1st and 3rd Sundays) 10am - Choral Eucharist led by the choir with the pipe organ. Wednesday: 11am Eucharist in Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel open Tue-Fri 10am-12.30pm for private prayer and reflection. Baptism: For enquiries for the baptism of adults or children, contact the Vicar on: 03 9855 0630 or email [email protected] Funerals: Normal arrangements are made through funeral directors. General enquiries can be addressed to the parish clergy. Interment of ashes: Enquiries concerning the interment of ashes in the Memorial Garden can be addressed to: the Vicar on: 03 9855 0630 or [email protected] Our 10am Sunday service is streaming on Facebook: Current Services at Holy Trinity
Click below for the latest available sermons: